Thursday, August 30, 2018

Making the news

I don’t know if it made the national news but I know it made the Winnipeg news. Yes, we did have a stand off in Neepawa today. The RCMP and SWAT closed down a block of 3rd Ave.  Right across from the elementary school. Good thing classes hadn’t started yet. Only teachers had to be evacuated. It is not really funny but they evacuated them onto 2nd street and their cars were on 3rd so most of them were wandering town cause they couldn’t get to their cars to drive home. Rrain lives on 2nd by the school. They evacuated up to her corner so she was okay. She was at work anyway but her house was unlocked so she was worried. A number of places locked down. Our office included but we had a sign on the door that we were open and to knock. We figured if the person at the door didn’t have a gun we were okay to let them in. Actually had two guys came to look at the air conditioner. I figured that the suspect wouldn’t be wearing a Four Seasons shirt so I let them in.   Rrain cancelled the farmers market at work but ten minutes later SWAT fired the tear gas and it was all over. Since a lot of people missed the cancellation notice and showed up they held the market anyway. So that was my day. Except of course when Winnipeg phoned and asked if I was accepting anything today or what. It seems there were a lot of transfers that are Neepawa specific holding up the signing date. Does the fact that they were notified that I was writing a manual on those specific transfers not make them realize that, no, I am not accepting today. I logged on after that and the rest of the province had left them anyway.  I am also supposed to be accepting documents for dauphin and Portage this week.  Does the term burn out come to anyone’s mind!

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