Monday, August 20, 2018

So much for the budget

We've been living on a pretty lean budget this month, in hopes of having a little extra to spend when Beth is here. Well, today we gave up on that goal.  When we replaced the laundry room sink,  David asked what to do with the old one.  I told him I didn't care what he did, to fill it with mud and plant flowers if he wanted to.  So that's what we did this morning.  It's now been settled in beside Lion, and filled with whatever we could find at the garden center clearance.  We also drove out to a remote garden center, to buy more Hydrangeas.  The two we have have been wonderful this year.  This is year 3 since they were planted and they appear to have settled in quite well--a really good show of foliage and blooms.  Unfortunately, that place isn't open Mondays, but we will be going back.  David also decided that we just had to replace the shower curtain, and it had a we bit of mould on it.  They no longer had one in the pattern I have used for years.  I could get it in a couple of different colours, none of which would match the bathroom, so bought a different one--not as nice.

While we were out, we stocked up on a couple of OTC pharmacy items, as well as a prescription.  Did you know that they have hand-held pagers in Walmart?  Whoops!  I can hear David in the yard. vacuuming.  I wonder what.  Maybe just cleaning up after setting up that sink planter, or maybe he's decided to do something about the ants. Those little buggers are everywhere, even climbing people now.  Doesn't bode well for our planned dinner on the 16th.

If we are looking for small pleasures, maybe Cathy, you should count not having anyone come in while you're working as one.  I hate being distracted by a guest, when I'm trying to concentrate or plan.

And maybe I should attempt some work around here.

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