Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Busy is right!

Just read the Mouse Factory Blog and can see how busy you have been Pati. What wonderful work, and you say you are not finished yet with more to do with hand stitching. Your current needle holder that you say you use, is also very nice. I am assuming two of the pictures are of it? 
Rained most of today and with heavy rain this morning - enough to dampen the garden and hopefully to help the forest fires -the latest report has over 1000 people in one town on 24 hour standby to evacuate. It took me just over 2 hours to water our gardens last evening - I timed it. Thank goodness I don't have to repeat that again tonight. 
I had wanted to view the skies last night for the best view ever of the planets aligned, especially Mars which was supposed to be brilliant. It was overcast so I saw nothing.  Cathy I keep thinking of your fabulous 180 degree view of the skies - did you perhaps have a look?
More produce done today -Tomatoes anyone? Also my second quasi apple crisp with free fall little apples - nice taste actually. Now the best thing to happen today....I organized a cupboard in the kitchen to hold some of the pickles Harry has made, and found a box of Girl Guide Choc mint cookies - from last Fall- hidden at the back. Who would have done that I ask haha!  So we can really surprise ourselves sometimes eh? A cup of tea and a box of cookies - good for supper?
Have to go to take Bailey out. Hope all is well. Take care

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