Friday, January 20, 2017

It's all in how me handle it....., OK be cranky. It's allowed ( with us anyway haha!)  It's how we manage it that counts.  Sounds as if you are fine with plans to go out to a workshop - good to get out and circulate!
I managed my " feelings" today by walking to Lottery Store and buying a 649 ticket - I usually never get a 649 but it sounded like a good idea at the time.  Maybe a wise decision - we'll know come Sunday morning, when I check the numbers.
Got the roof completed today - at least cleared for about 6 to 8 feet up from the eaves. To get the whole roof done one would have to climb on to the roof and start to shovel from the top down.  Then watched the Inauguration of Donald J. Trump on the CTV. I had to swallow hard all through his speech.  I was sad when they showed Barack Obama and Michelle Obama walked to the Helicopter and waved off. 
So here's to the weekend - have a nice relaxing few days. Cathy, when is your theatre performances?  Take care

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