Sunday, June 7, 2009

Another wonderful day

We are just puttering around inside today. It is too cold and damp to be outside. I think I will probably break my tradition of only wearing sandals in the spring and summer. A high of 8 is not conducive to my health. Sorry to hear about Samantha, Pati. I understand the tears. Depending on what the outcome is, perhaps Sandi would be able to talk to Amber and give her some hints. She would be better than any of us at understanding.We picked up some new bedding plants yesterday. (they are in the house for at least a week) and we are replanting the beans and, if you can believe it, the radish. We are going to wait and see what happens to the rest. We are back to full staff at work for a while. That will help my frustrations, but I think that Patty will be in training for Lisa's job for the next few weeks. It will still be easier with all of us there, even if we do have to double up on some jobs. Jim is busy vacuuming downstairs. I think I will stay out of his way until he is done. I have been craving Daddy's ribs lately. Next week will be a good time to turn the oven on since it is going to be so cold. (I have adapted the recipe to the crock pot with great results) There is a bbq at the legion next Friday. Shop Easy does the whole thing, even cooking! It is usually quite good... pork on a bun, pork and beans, cole slaw ......... I suppose if I was a good wife I would be helping Jim. I did some laundry. That should count. Enough rambling.... Love Ya

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