Friday, May 1, 2020

Every year I say the same thing...............

"Don't overdo it when the warm weather comes"  and every year I get too much sun and use too many muscles right at the start.  The first warm day we puttered but I still got too much sun.  Yesterday I used too many muscles and got too much sun.  Last night I was in bed by 9:30, but thanks to the cat it was much later by the time I slept.  (she is helping me type right now)  I did get two big squirrel nests cleaned out of the garden shed.  I love watching them, but they are way too destructive to have around.  Our neighbour came over with his PTO tiller and had our entire garden deep-tilled in less than 10 minutes.  Definitely a treat since our tiller is about 1/6 the size.  Jim was so happy that he put in a row of potatoes right away (yes, snow is forecast for Monday) (Is there NOTHING that  cat will leave alone?!? )  We also brought up some of our patio furniture so that we could sit outside.  We were using some old fold up chairs that you carry in a bag over your shoulder, but now we have some comfortable ones out.  I even took 2 chairs and an old table around to the front deck.  I got most of the leaves out of the Saskatoons and the rhubarb all cleaned off.   To our dismay our basement ceiling started leaking when it rained a couple of days ago.  It looks like it is leaking in the valley between the house and the entrance way and running down the inside of the wall to the basement.  Jim wants to go on the roof and fix it.  I have called him an F---ing idiot!.  We compromised that he could look, from the ladder, not the roof, but not touch.  If he sees the problem we ask for help.  We don't think our lives are going to change much when things ease up next week (Star Wars Day.........May the fourth be with you!) Except I intend to get a haircut as soon as I can.  Though we have already sat outside in the yard and had a drink with the neighbour and Rodney.  6 feet apart though.  That is still not allowed even though we can go and sit on a outdoor patio with 10 strangers at one table.  I am looking forward to the greenhouse opening.  I wasn't happy with phoning in my request and picking it up at the curbside.  I like to choose my own plants.  I told Jim that since we had saved money the last 7 weeks by not going anywhere (except maybe an increase in trips to the Liquor Store) that I wanted to spend it on frivolous things like a new umbrella stand for the patio table and maybe some solar lights for the yard.  And today we might have to go to the garbage drop off again.  We used to wait until we had a car full.  Now as soon as I get a bag I am ready for the road trip.

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