Thursday, May 7, 2020


Interesting day.  Since the Government is sending each of us $200 (surprise!) I chose to sign up for the second module of my sketchbook course.  By return e-mail, I got a 66 page workbook full of colour.  Every page had a significant amount of colour on it.  We discussed it, and decided that it would be okay if I printed it.  Having a hard copy makes it much easier to follow the course, and access the associated videos, as they come up.  The small colour cartridge ran out on page 4.  David, with a sigh, agreed to go to Staples and get more ink.  He brought home two large colour cartridges and a large black one.  We re-started the printing, and the printer did a few pages, and then got cranky. This cancelling and re-starting process went on for quite awhile. Even when I had a copy of the workbook, the printer kept printing.  We would think we had solved the problem and then we would hear the printer going again, or even worse, not hear it and find it merrily printing away and sheets and sheets of paper all over the floor.  This went on all day, with me running between the computer in the kitchen to the computer room many, many times.  Several times we unplugged the damn thing and tried to re-boot, without success.  We figure that the whole 66 pages were printed about 3 and half times, in fits and starts, with many multiple copies of certain pages.  Then I went into the control panel (scary!), and tried to delete the print cue, but only manged to disable the print cue, and the beast kept going.  We were pretty sure that our membership in  The Geek Squad was over, but decided that we needed help and would just have to pay for it.  I dug out the receipt for the telephone number, and found that the membership goes to the end of this month.  What a relief!  So I called and he had everything fixed within 1-2 minutes after taking control.  I was exhausted, and took the "indulgence", that I had been denying myself all week, in the form of a glass of wine.  But--the final cost--three large ink cartridges.  Damn!  I had hoped that the three he bought would last for the next few months.

Today started at 6:30 when we got up to go grocery shopping.  I wanted to eat first, as I know how dangerous it is to go on an empty stomach. In some ways it's nice to go so that early when the store is reserved for seniors, and fairly empty.  Got home, a few minutes to check the e-mail, and then it was off to Selkirk for a meeting regarding opening the Gallery, but it was decided that won't happen until July.  Got home from there and found e-mail from Amber asking for a couple of more masks, so spent the afternoon doing that.

I did take time to phone the local art supply store, to inquire about the two items that had been back ordered, when the rest of the stuff was delivered late in April.  I had the nicest conversation with the lady on their order desk.  Since it turned out that I hadn't paid for the items,( I had thought I did), we decided not to worry about it, and if they ever come in, I can just cancel the order when they call me.  She doesn't think that they've even been ordered, and doesn't expect any orders to be received from  the States any time soon, in any case.

Heading upstairs with the masks, I discovered that David had taken control of supper. What a nice surprise!  Now to relax and enjoy the evening with Poker.

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