Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Thank you, Cathy

The pizza recipe is carefully printed out, given a plastic sleeve and put in the book with our Sourdough and wine recipes.

Yesterday was one of those days where everything that could go wrong, did go wrong.  The last being when David was replacing the outdoor water tap, and the corroded pipe inside, fell apart.  No way we could deal with that, so a plumber was called.  He came shortly after and we now have a very nice new system, and  no more water leaking all over the patio.  Later I got into a different type of poker tournament by accident, but won some money anyway.  Thank Goodness. On a better topic, we did accomplish two things yesterday.  We got our dry cleaning into Perth's, and I found yeast at a Natural Food store.  As soon as I got home, I started a new starter, and it's working well.

I hadn't slept well Monday night and was functioning on one cylinder all day, as was David.  Not good.  Last night was no better and everything I do today is like trying to function through some sort of weird fog.  Good thing we're staying home and social isolating. I wonder if my brain is just running so fast that sleep is a problem.  I've decided to try doing wheat I would call "Morning Pages", but writing them in the evening, instead.  they're supposed to function as a type of "brain dump", and maybe that's just what I need.

Time to get busy cooking supper, and then I have 2 hour Zoom meeting, at &:00.  Best get busy.  Thinking of both of you.  Keep safe.

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