Friday, May 1, 2020

have I gone to the Dark Side?

Starting to think so.  I'm doing housework--a lot of housework.  things are being cleaned that have never been cleaned before. ( no exaggeration and "nuff said about that) Housework has always had a low priority  for me but I starting to feel disgusted if I see dirt.  OMG!  What's happening to me?  But--I'm finding new ways of cleaning, given my deteriorating physical condition.   Finding those challenges me.  I feel a sense of satisfaction when I accomplish something, despite the bizarre means I use to get there. Today, I attached a wet rag to my long handled reacher, and used that to wash the bottom of the tall skinny cupboard to the right of my stove.  I used my wet floor washing Swiffer to wash the cupboard under the sink. It works on the floor of the cupboard, the walls, and inside the door.

I understand the subconscious mechanisms at work , such as a need for control in whatever small ways that are available to me.  The house is cleaner and looking better than ever before. The down side is that this is becoming so important, that studio time is diminished.

David saw the doctor this morning and came home with a prescription, which he took into the pharmacy.  He came home, with the plan of going out later to pick up the pills, and taking me along for a coffee.  I sat down to watch the noon news, and saw that rain is on the way, should get here in the early afternoon, and will be staying until much later tonight.  Since David says that the was a line up to get into Walmart, half way down the outside of the store, that trip  may wait for tomorrow.  Certainly not looking forward to standing in the rain for a half hour or more.

We do have the patio furniture out.  David found a spot where the table is level and stable, which means that it can't be moved until October.  We're fortunate in that there there only two of us as the table is just at the edge of the patio, with just enough room for three chairs around the table.  Since no-one can visit, we're set for summer, unless that happened yesterday and now we're looking at fall.  Sure feels like it.

Enjoy your vacation Beth, even if it does include housework and cooking. I'm finding that I am strangely content to stay home and safe in my house, these days.  Maybe something has taken over my body.  This is not me, but since I like whatever it is, it can stay --for awhile.

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