Thursday, May 14, 2020

Shopping today

First at Walmart, where we picked up some more books.  They cut the cover price by 40%, so it's pretty well the best deal in town.  I usually hate shopping at Walmart, and it seems especially bad right now when we're being encouraged to shop at small local businesses.  I've been worried about running out of empty tea bags.  I checked the mall store, David's Tea, where I usually buy them and they aren't open at all.  A bit worrying.  I hope they eventually do open.  Just in case, I checked in Walmart for a ball tea infuser.  They aren't usually too expensive and it might be good to have on hand.  Well, there was only one such infuser in the store, and it was so cute, that I had to buy it. It had a little Unicorn instead of a hook.  The little beast sits on the edge of your cup, or in my case, on the edge of my slightly bigger tea infuser--the one I put the tea bags in.

After our trip to Walmart, David dropped me off, and headed for the greenhouse, for tomatoes and flowers for his sink planter.  He came home with tomatoes that are called "slicers".  We'll see how big they get.  And he bought pretty deep yellow Petunias.  This was a strange coincidence.  I have just finished re-reading book three of the In Death series by J.D. Robb. If you're not familiar, this is a futuristic police procedural, with a female detective.  She has cause to interview a florist, who discusses Petunias, explaining that they are a traditional, old fashioned flower.  At the end of the book, this detective is getting married, and surprises everyone by carrying a bouquet of Petunias.  Very touching within the context of the book.  David knew nothing about this, but I did, and was touched by his bringing them home.

I didn't get to the "Morning Pages" last night, as I was just too exhausted.  I slept quite well, and long, perhaps as a result of the small glass of brandy I had before bed.  Tonight I'll try the "Morning pages" instead.

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