Thursday, May 28, 2020


It's a good thing that we worked so hard earlier this week.  Monday we trimmed and burned some branches from trees that we cut down and then Monday night we actually had a fire that we could sit around.  And we did......for about 4 hours.  Tuesday we really overdid it cutting and burning brush, but we got about 3/4 of it burned off.  It was the first two days that the wind has been calm enough to light a fire.  Yesterday the wind started really howling again.  I cut some of the branches down to firepit size, but I was pretty sore from the day before and didn't cut a lot.  Today the wind is howling again and a fire ban has been issued for our area.  (We really need rain here. ) So I can trim the branches down to size, but they will sit until ??????  At least we had one fire we could enjoy.  On top of no rain, the lows tonight and tomorrow are issued at 4C and 2C.  I guess we will be covering as much as we can.  It is usually about 1 1/2 degrees cooler down in the garden 😞.All in all things are a lot better than a year ago this time.  Jim went in the hospital then and didn't get out for over 3 weeks.  It is much nicer having him here.  The house may be falling apart around me but at least he isn't.  In fact he is doing much more than he could only a couple of months ago.  And I don't know about Pati, but we are still waiting to hear anything about the seniors money from the Federal Government or the Provincial government. It sounds like the $200 from the province might take the form of a rebate when we get our 2020 taxes done next year.  Not really going to help right now. As for the federal, who knows.  And we are still waiting for the rebate on our autopac payments.  But then they have applied to increase the basic deductable to $1000 next year.  Into one hand and out the other.   I know we could really use a little extra cash right now since we seem to have multiple plumbing issues that have to be dealt with soon.  I always get excited when I see my bank balance when the pension cheques come in, but then I subtract the mortgage and the car payments and all the other regular monthly bills and I see how little is really left for the month.  Oh  well.  I certainly am not starving (as my rapidly "shrinking" clothes will attest to).  And it is cool enough today that I can turn on the oven and roast a chicken for supper.  A real meal for a change.  I would still like to go out for an A&W bacon mozza burger.  Too bad the closest A&W is in Brandon.  Or maybe that is a good thing 😈 

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