Monday, May 25, 2020


Yesterday I built my day around a meeting out in Selkirk, but when I got there the building was locked up and no-one in sight.  It turned out that I had gone for a 2:00 meeting that was actually at 10:30.  This meant that the rest of the afternoon was spent worrying about the possibility of some sort of dementing process. OMG! What a way to ruin a perfectly good day.  There's no way I can do anything but worry about it, so I may as well sit back and enjoy the ride. But, I just have to make sure I take a little notebook along with me to write down things along the way.  Hey!  Maybe I can use one of those sketchbooks that are making me crazy.  Ar-g-g-g-g-g-h!  'Nuff said.

David spent most of the day puttering in the garden.  He uses some of that time to talk with the neighbours, --notice the plural there.  Not the squirrel hating Jamaican, but the fellow living in the Grow-op, has joined the little group talking over the fence.  I think they have someone living in the house for security reasons, and there have been several different people there over the years, but this fellow appears to be quite a go get-'er.  He is attempting to tame the back yard a bit.  It has a been allowed to go wild since the old couple sold the house several years ago.  This new chap is trying to create a vegetable garden, but we're not talking peas and carrots here, but rather Vietnamese vegetables.  It will be interesting to follow the process along.

The man associated with the grass care company we hire has strongly recommended that we add some lawn dressing and grass seed to the front lawn.  Neither of us would be capable of spreading the lawn dressing, but in conversation with the fellow across the back we have a lead on a young man who has been laid off and may be interested in a little pocket money.  We have since found out that he has just been called back to work, but his father is going to speak to him anyway.  We'll see how that works out.

Last evening I watched the special documentary on Robbie Robertson and The Band.  What memories!  And what a treat.  Even David, who was playing on his computer in the other room, commented on how he enjoyed the concert!  This more than made up for the fact that my usual Saturday evening shows are not on for the next month.

And what about today?  Well, I have no plans for today, other than going back to phase one on my eating regime.  This has become critical, as last night we enjoyed cheeseburgers and chips from Zax Drive-in, as a sort of last hurrah.  Planned that way in expectation of me not getting home from my meeting until too late to cook anything.  I have just enjoyed my Breakfast Salad, and know that I will be having Wild Caught Cod for my dinner.  Something to look forward to. ( That's my story and I'm sticking to it. LOL)

No progress in the sketchbook saga for three days now.  I'm still waiting for paint to dry  on my last effort.  If it isn't dry this morning, I may just tear the pages out, and carry on.  Unfortunately I'm now at a stage where I need to buy another module in the course, and that means $$$. Maybe wait until payday, or longer.  We still haven't seen all that money that the government has promised us.

Well, now to face Monday, the start of the work week, in case anyone has lost track of what day it is.

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