Friday, May 15, 2020

Tea Bags

I'm not desperate enough to try sewing the tulle ones--yet.  The store where I buy my specialty teas sells tea bags, but at a much higher price than David's Tea.  My David's tea store is in a major mall, so I imagine the rent is high, and I hear that the mall itself is deserted, despite being open.  I still have about a half package of tea bags, and will start using the unicorn soon, just to see how well she works. ( I wonder why I think the beast is female?)

We got our municipal tax bill this morning.  Since our monthly payments to the city, only started in January, I've been putting money away every month, knowing that we would have to make up the difference between what they collected , and what was actually due before the end of June.  The difference was more than I anticipated and we started checking things to figure out where we would find the money.  The bill itself was somewhat confusing.  There was small line a the bottom saying that people who were enrolled in the monthly payment system, didn't have to pay.  I figured it was those that had been enrolled for a whole year, but we decided to check.  David called the city ( a lengthy time on hold) but ultimately found out that no, the system included everyone, no matter when they started.  So we have small nest egg that we had no idea about.  Not sure how small, but David will check with the bank today and find out, while he's out buying the eggs I forgot yesterday.

The "morning pages" didn't work.  I wrote three full pages and when I finished I felt energized, relaxed, and fully alert.  I couldn't settle down for almost two hours, and even then, ended up taking a sleep aid.  Won't try that again!

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