Sunday, May 10, 2020


Yesterday went fairly well, until it was time for my evening snack.  I had been looking forward to my favourite Roasted Garlic Hummus, served with baby carrots.  Imagine my surprise when I discovered that the Roasted Garlic Hummus I bought--both packages--was actually Brushetta topping!  Don't know how that happened, and I don't want to know how expensive it probably was.  Later, I found that I couldn't sleep and after tossing and turning for an hour, got up and read for 2 hours until I felt that I was actually tired.

Today was fairly quiet as well.  I heard from both my children, and had a long chat with Loren.  His kitchen renovations are on hold until the extra tiles he needs come in.  Otherwise everyone is well and staying safely at home.  I'm getting a lot done relative to my sketchbook course, experimenting with different techniques.  But my sketchbook will never look anything like the samples, I'm just not that good.  Did a fair job today painting a red pepper with water colours, though.  Tomorrow for supper, I'll eat the pepper.

Garbage is out for pick up tomorrow morning, we've agreed that the dishes can wait until morning, and time for my shower.  Have a good night ladies, and everyone keep safe.

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