Wednesday, May 27, 2020

today--so far

it's now just before 11:00.  we were up early, and off grocery shopping.  We only needed a few things but came away having spend over $262.00.  That was enough to get me a special gift from the store ( usually this is about a $25.00 value--i.e. 10% off)  This time I had a choice from several different things but came away with a nice plastic tray and bowl.
David in now off to pay our bills and check in at Best Buy for a new printer.  We have decided to purchase Module 3 of my sketchbook workshop, and know what sort of problems printing that off can cause with the old one.  It's really going through ink quickly. so we're looking for one with larger ink cartridges.  I know what a PINTA getting a new one onto the computers, so not looking forward to that, but am very much looking forward to getting a new one.

Yesterday, on a 2 hours Zoom meeting, I noticed that the second dark mark on my face is now quite noticeable.  My previous doctor told me that there was nothing that could be done about them, but I think I'll mention it to the new doctor anyway.  While we were out, I picked up a new face cream that is specially for Aging skin, and a new hand cream that promised harder nails in two weeks.  Neither of them will work, I'm sure, but I'll give it a try, and maybe feel as though I'm doing something about it. I tried both, and they both smell, so I'll have to be careful when I use them.

I also found out today that my Covid19 test was negative, so I can relax about that.  There was no problem getting the test, but I did mention that I volunteer in an art gallery.  Don't know if that helped. regardless, I still plan to spend my time at home for awhile longer.

Now to relax a bit, as I know there will be lots to do when David gets home.

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