Thursday, April 16, 2020

A better day

But then I was firm in making my needs known to myself, so that I was frequently reminded of my objectives.  Does that make any sense? I found myself vacuuming, and had to then firmly tell myself that I really needed that studio time that has been missed most days this week.  Didn't help when I realized that the vacuum bag was absolutely full and needed changing, and I didn't know how to do it, because vacuuming has been David's job since I fell and broke my shoulder.  Then I tore a brand new bag trying to get it in, and ended up throwing it away.  A-r-r-r-g-h!

Still and all, I did get a couple of hours in the studio.  I hope to get some pictures on the other blog over the weekend.  I've also been communicating with the lady in England who had sent me that starter kit, that hasn't arrived, for the Creative Sketchbook Workshop I'm taking on the Internet.  We are going to monitor until the end of the month, and have agreed on a course of action should it not appear by then. It sounds as though the British Postal system is as screwed up as the Canadian one. Until then, and perhaps even then, it looks like I'll be using the little sketchbooks you sent me, Beth, a few years ago, with the pretty gold page edges.  They are really too small, but are better than anything else I have.  The ladies who are presenting the course appear to have no problem using smaller books, so maybe I just have to consider it a learning experience.

David appears to have overdone it yesterday, and is not doing well today. It was his turn to cook supper, but it got done with a group effort.  Then we discovered the original movie of "Jumanji', with Robin Williams.  Ever since we saw the first "Jumanji" with Dwayne Johnson, I have wished that I had seen this first one, and thoroughly enjoyed it tonight. I find that we are watching a little more tv together than we have in the past, and I count this as a good thing. I also try to see The View every day, as I find it an excellent way to get an idea of what is going on within the USA politics.  Our two countries are so very much interwoven that I believe it pays to have some notion of what is happening there. That is a scary thought, no matter what country you come from.

But now it's bedtime, and the two glasses of white wine I've had are telling me to lay down and get some sleep.  Best I obey.  Stay safe ladies!

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