Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Rough day

I just couldn't get my act together when I first got up.  Looking back, I have to wonder if maybe I had two big mugs of caffeinated tea rather than one of green tea and one of half-caf tea.  I was almost in a stupor watching The View.  I then signed into Facebook, and have almost no memory of whatever it was that kept me there for almost an hour.  Finally, I had a bit of lunch, and went for a nap.  An hour and a half later I got up, just in time  for Loren getting here, to pick up the debit card for doing our shopping.  Just as he got here, Gail phoned for our daily check-in, and we talked for the best part of an hour and by that time, I was feeling much better.  While I was dozing through most of the day, David baked more Multi-grain bread.  It was cool enough to give Loren a loaf once we got the groceries unloaded.

So, overall, I have just wasted a whole day, and have a poor memory of it.  I was feeling a little guilty about this until I tried to watch a video of a conversation between two prominent textile artists, where both of them admitted that they haven't been accomplishing very much, art-wise-at all while sheltering at home.  So now I feel a little better about how little I can actually say I'm accomplishing these days.

Loren has said that, if I make masks he would like a few of them.  Guess I'm making masks tomorrow.

Now there is the evening ahead of me.  Maybe a little poker and then a bath, and then some reading.  I'm going through my books far too fast and am reduced to reading an auto-biography of Jeanne Cooper, who has played a main character on "The Young and The Restless", for over 30 years.She had a film career before that, which I didn't know.  But it is a book, and I'm hoping I can make it last until at least tomorrow.

Be safe-stay safe.

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