Friday, April 3, 2020

What do you mean "scrub the kitchen floor"?

You two obviously did not raise me properly!  Actually I have cheap laminate or carpet everywhere, so for the floors I use my Swiffer WetJet regularly and then when I want a better clean I use my BeeMop and cleaner for laminate.  The WetJet is convenient, but it does seem to leave streaks.  We have no one who can see our windows so there are no bears here, but there are a lot all over town.  I dropped in to see Rrain today.  I know we shouldn't have, but I gave her a hug.  She almost cried and said I was the first person she has touched in weeks.  Jim and I may not be in the same room all the time, but we are in the same house so we are not alone.  Rrain was saying that with people being confined to their homes, she has heard from friends that she lost touch with years ago. I guess people are scanning social media and reaching out to others.  There is lots of work to be done in the house, but a lot of it will have to wait until it is warmer.  I want to wash the walls and paint them, but not while the house is shut up.  I have to buy paint anyway.  Chili for supper tonight.  We are both getting tired of regular meals.  I want junk food 🍦.  Kris actually phoned me this week.  He does NOT talk on the phone so it was really comforting to hear his voice and know they are all okay.  I can hardly remember what life was like only a month ago.

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