Monday, April 13, 2020

Busier day than I planned

When I got up there was really nothing on my agenda.  That changed.  With having changed the duvet for a couple of quilts, I decided to go for the gusto, and changed out my winter wardrobe for my summer wardrobe.  This really only consists of moving stuff from one closet to the other, but it sounds better put the other way.  I found one of my favourite tops that I had thought had been sent to the thrift store last fall, by accident. The duvet covers were washed, folded and put away. Then during lunch we sat and watched the news and heard the weather report that says the temperatures are going to be well below normal for at least the next week. It snowed for most of the afternoon and early evening. I went for a walk this afternoon with a sweater under my fur coat, a touque, and big wrap-around scarf.  Made it to the end of the block, turned around and struggled to walk home against a really nasty north wind.  Gotta love spring in Manitoba!

I've been messaging a fellow from the wine store where we usually shop, and will probably be ordering a couple of kits.  I suggested that we check for any other supplies we might need before I order.  this lead us to three bottles of Elderberry wine, made so long ago that neither of us can remember when.  We opened a bottle, but being red, there was a lot of residue.  What to do? What to do?  Well, we got out my old filter drip coffee maker. ( I received it for Christmas in 1980, when we visited you, Beth, in Victoria.) Took the top of it, added a coffee filter, and poured the wine through into a measuring cup.  It was very dry, so I made a bit of simple syrup, and we are sweetening it teaspoon by teaspoon, but I'm betting the alcohol content is much higher than the white we usually drink.  Oh my!

The reason to drink the wine is that I've been in a funky mood all day.  Gail phoned about 6:30, as we've been in contact every day, to support each other, since this nonsense started.  She spends a lot of time on Facebook arguing with conspiracy theorists, among others.  She often tells me about these "discussions", and usually makes me laugh, but not today.  I came away from our conversation very unsettled.  So into my nightie and with a glass in hand, ( I finally got out one of the crystal wine glasses Beth gave us when she was living in Germany.  Finally!)I sat down to finish my blog from earlier. Since I can't remember what it was that I wanted to talk about so urgently, maybe I should quit while I'm ahead.  Have a good night .

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