Wednesday, April 8, 2020

How about today?

Hoping that today proves to be a much better day for us is cloudy and overcast and moist here - a little rain last night has dampened everything and so it is actually gloomy but not enough to "dampen" one's spirits. I had wanted to view the pink super full moon last night but with the overcast skies it did not happen. I am out with Bailey every night in the middle of the night so have the skies above to view most nights and see the stars and try to figure out some constellations. There was a time when i could look at the night skies and quickly name most of them but no more. The only one I can identify perfectly is Orion haha!
A good batch of choc chip cookies was made this morning so I have some to take to Mikes and some to eat. Actually I have done justice to the container of the "not so good" one's i made the other day - must not waste anything, right?  And I have the crumbs for the graham cracker crust lemon pie done and probably will make that tomorrow. And I have to make a casserole of scalloped potatoes yet but that will be on Friday. Then we will be off to Mik'es on Saturday.
The Ontario Premier just gave his daily speech and notified everyone that all stores will be closed on Friday and Sunday so to give the workers some well deserved time off. I wonder now if all will comply?  And the Prime Minister stated in his speech today that considerations are now being given for some relief for Seniors? I wonder what that might look like?
I hesitate to go outside to do any work as it looks cold and miserable but I got some raking and leaves put into bags yesterday. it feels good to do it but I must say that the old body just doesn't work as fast as it used to. I would still like to put in a hour or so and then things might get done - the To Do list is far too long but if i chip away at it...? who knows.
Yesterday I washed and set my hair in curlers - and when dry and brushed out it looked not too bad. Last week in a fit of despair i took the scissors to my hair and cut some quasi bangs to get the hair from falling all over my face. I did not do a nice job - far to short and now I have a row of hairs sticking up but fortunately with the curling the rest of the hair sort of falls nicely over this disaster. So what are you two doing about your hair?
Must go and think about going outside ...just think maybe and instead make a nice cup of tea haha! Take care

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