Tuesday, April 28, 2020

A weird feeling

The power went off today,and was off for almost an hour.  I had been on the phone when it happened, and was immediately cut off, so went to call her back on the cell.  No power, and a need to re-charge, which we couldn't do without power.  We were cut off from everything.  No computer, no phone, and nowhere to go. We didn't know what to do with ourselves.  It was a strange spooky feeling, and not one I want to repeat.

But later we did get a phone call form the young man who had agreed to do the necessary spring clean-up in the yard.  David has bee puttering with it, but it's really too much for him now, and I was glad to see the work scheduled for tomorrow morning.

Since I have to stay home for him, maybe it's time to get back to housework.  Just 3 days of neglect, and the result is obvious.  Darn!

I took a looked at Pickled Gizzards today, and found that she is back with a vengeance.  I don't think she has posted so much in all the time she's been posting, in total.  But I left it, for a quiet moment and a cup of team and the sense of anticipation waiting will give me.  That meant that I had time for a two hour zoom meeting of Textile and Fibre Artists of Manitoba. A little confusion at first as the password we had been given was wrong, but finally about 15 women, for a bit of show'n'tell and conversation.  There is an amazing amount of knowledge and productivity among these women, and I felt both envious, and out of touch. I feel as though I'm aging out of some of these groups, as the younger women are leaping ahead of me in knowledge and energy.  But I plan to persevere for the pleasure I have viewing their work and the social contact membership in the group provides.

There was a lot of confusion and many, many trips up and downstairs, for a variety of reason this afternoon.  My knees are telling me that it's time to sit down.  So maybe a minute on the other blog, and then on to Poker.

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