Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Two steps forward, and then another step back

but that appears to be part of the "game".  Neither of us slept well last night and we're wondering about the Elderberry wine. With a minimum of sleep, today was pretty well a washout.  Did very little this morning, and then went down for a nap just after lunch. When I got up it was hurry hurry and get a shopping list to Loren.  While he was shopping I tried to return a phone call that came in while I was sleeping ,and make my daily call to Gail.  No sooner did she answer the phone than Loren was back with the groceries.  A few of the things we needed weren't available, one being yeast for the bread baking that's going on almost every day.  Not sure what we're going to do about that, but then he wasn't able to get any white flour in any case, so baking may not be on the agenda for a few days.

Now that you mention it, I do remember you taking part in that fund raiser.  It was to help with very much needed renovations to Little Britain United Church Hall.  A large quilting group has met there for years and through fund raisers like this contributed quite a bit to the building fund.  I haven't attended any meetings of the larger Local Quilt Guild this year, and may not do so for awhile, once meetings start again that is.  I have a life membership so will still get newsletters etc.

Tried to go for a short walk this evening, but didn't get very far before finding it just too much.  So will head for a bath, and then maybe try one poker tournament, before bed.  Hope tomorrow works out a bit better for me.

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