Thursday, April 16, 2020

Sounds just like our weather snows then melts and then snows and then melts and this morning more snow on the ground -one step forward and two steps back? But I know it is not fair to compare our weather with how things are with you Pati. Each day will bring you another step forward ...but just keep moving forward ....I'll be pushing you from behind haha!
We just carry on here and sometimes I feel I do not get much done. I attempted to give Bailey his subq fluids yesterday and he objected to the point that I quit. He has never done this before so I wonder if I am losing my touch , or he is getting so much better that he is reacting differently, or what? Regardless I am to give him fluids twice a week so I shall prevail if he lets me. I try to push water at him and food soaked with water or chicken stock, but apparently he needs more right now to keep flushing his kidneys and bladder. 
Harry did a shopping yesterday at Foodland here in town so we are stocked for now. We have toilet paper now in good supply and two kleenex (6 packs) on hand as he has bought some each time he has gone. But no baking supplies just like you mentioned Pati. I have enough flour for now, but it now goes on the "list" for Harry to check each time he goes just as I did with the kleenex and toilet paper. 
No work in the greenhouses yesterday - it is cold and windy still but we will have to open them up today to at least water even if this day is also not ideal. Where is that hot sun which I desire to warm me up and make the gardening a bit more pleasant? Even walking the dog I have my winter jacket, and scarf and hat and will put my hood up to ward off the bitter wind. But Bailey loves to go to the lake and the wind is always worse down there.
Speaking of Bailey I see that he is up now and so my day begins - I steamed some green beans which he loves and is good for him to eat so I will sign off for now and get started with another day. Hope you are managing OK and take care.

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