Monday, April 20, 2020

It's April........why is it snowing?

Staying at home would be a lot easier if we could work outside. It got to 12c yesterday but the wind was also blowing at 62k.  Jim spent 2 days working in the bar room.  It looks much better now, but there are still a couple of things to do.  I would have helped him more but everytime I went near the dust was too much for me to handle.  I wonder if I had dusted it in the last 20 years there would have been less.  It is supposed to make it to double digits this week, but today's forecast is 4c with snow and rain.  If it ever does warm up and the wind die down we will be able to do some outside work.  I want to do a complete cleanup of the quonset this year.  Not sure what I will do with John's jeep truck but I will try to work around it.  I am hoping for a garden.  The greenhouse in Minnedosa is taking orders and offering curb pick up, but I am not even sure the Neepawa greenhouse is still open.  I can buy seeds anywhere, but I wanted some bedding plants.  Sure wish I lived closer to you, Beth.  I could come and browse in your greenhouse and share a cup of tea in the yard (to hell with the tea....I will bring wine).  Still no Club beer available in Neepawa but Jim bought some lab lite.... he says it is going to warm up and we are going to want to sit outside and have a beer after doing our gardening.  Sure hope he is right.  We have to go back to the vet's this afternoon.  Chase is really not doing well.  I didn't give him his medicine this morning.  Neither one of us was up to fighting with Chase to force it down his throat and I figured we could always give it to him later, but if he was having a reaction to the drugs I might as well stop now.  As for housework, why bother. It is just going to get dirty again.  Which explains why there was 20 years of dust in the bar. 

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