Friday, April 3, 2020

I wonder what sort of Swiffer----

you could get on-line?  One of the books arrived today, despite an expected delivery date of April 3-16, which usually means April 20th.  Neither of the two parcels I'm waiting for from England have arrived, and I'm not sure how long delivery may take.  I'm procrastinating starting my expensive Sketchbook course until I get the supplies.  I really don't have an appropriate sketchbook, and can't order one on-line until I have a better idea of what it is they want.  They are sending one, so I wait to see.

Today started early.  I woke up about 7:10 thinking I had heard something--maybe someone knocking at the door? Then I realized that David was up and that made me wonder what it could have been that woke both of us at the same time.  Well, he was just up for the bathroom, and since I needed the same thing I went downstairs.  When I came up he had stripped the bed--for laundry.  I would have loved a coupe more hours sleep, but it was not to be.

I think we were both a little out of it, as making the bread we had started last evening turned out to be a sort of compromise event.  Very nice white sourdough bread though.  Finishing that and getting on with the laundry has been a bit of "the blind leading the blind".  It is not a "Good Thing" when we both are having a bit of a "stupid" day.  But maybe that's just part of getting old.

It's now 4:30 pm and the snow has finally stopped.  David says that we now have more snow in the yard than we had, at any one time, all winter.  He may be right.  And the neighbour is blowing snow again.  He blows it away from the walls all the way around his house, as he's worried that, if it melts, it will flood his basement.  This is the house that had been an unlicensed grow-op several years ago and the whole basement had to be re-built when it was destroyed by humidity.  This was before he bought it, but I think they had to tell him about the basement being flooded and re-built. (  That may have been the story that was given to the insurance company.  I don't know for sure, and maybe that was just a neighbourhood rumour.)  Gotta  love city life!

I posted a picture on Facebook today. I had never done that before, and am quite pleased with myself, especially in that it was done on a "stupid" day. The challenge that was mentioned on the other blog is finished and the picture posted.  I don't know how either of you could access the challenge as it's in a  group-- --but I'll post it on the other blog.  There are many very nice other entries being posted and I've spent too much time looking at them.  Looking forward to a new challenge next week.

Time to think about supper. Oh, oh.  We're having cabbage and that involves sharp knives.  Oh Dear.  Best get to it.

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